Business Lighting Rebates

Business Lighting Rebates. Simplified.
We've partnered with your local utility company to give you huge discounts and rebates - just for being a commercial customer! Whether you're looking at a major job, or a little one, we can provide a solution that's better for the environment and easier on your wallet. All you have to be is a commercial customer for one of the below power companies, and provide us a few details during your purchase. We'll take care of the rest!
Utility rebates can pay up to 100% of your total job cost, which means you can upgrade to energy-saving products today, and see a return on your investment in no time! Currently, Geller Lighting provides discounts and rebates for commerical customers of the following utility companies: Baltimore Gas & Electric (BGE), DC Sustainable Energy Utility (DCSEU), Delmarva Power, First Energy's Potomac Edison, Pepco, PPL Electric Utilities, and Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative (SMECO).
LED Lighting Design & Installation
Our team of technicians takes the time to evaluate your unique LED lighting needs so that they can determine the right placement both inside and ouside of your facility. You have a lot of options when installing LED lighting in your business. LED lighting comes in a range of different brighnesses, colors, and fixtures, our team can also advise you on the best option for your application. Our electricians are top in their field - customer satisfaction is our priority.

Instant Lighting Discounts
Purchasing energy-efficient lights has never been easier or less expensive! With instant discounts available from your local utility, you save money immediately – no paperwork to fill out, no waiting for a check in the mail. Simply provide us with the address of installation and you’ll be eligible to purchase utility rebated, LED products. Save thousands on products like:
Incentivized Products
2x2 and 2x4 lay-in LED fixtures
High bays
Linear LED strip fixtures
LED trim kit retrofits
LED exterior area lights
LED post tops and HID replacements
LED T5 & T8 tubes